God is Speaking, Are We Listening?

Today we live in a world where communication has become the center of our society. We have information coming to us from all directions, so much that we can hardly comprehend or even keep up with it all. What once took days now only takes seconds. We can receive all sorts of information, documents, pictures, and voice data at the touch of a finger. Those who provide mediums for such information make it their business to guarantee that we get every letter, every pixel and hear every word clearly.

Unfortunately, though we may receive the information, we do not always listen to it. We may not hear it correctly or it was not relayed correctly- or we just were not listening because we thought it was unimportant or incorrect.

Failing to listen can be a dangerous thing. For example, on September 21, 1938, a hurricane struck the East Coast of the United States. For some reason the meteorologists did not warn the public about it; either they could not detect it or they did not believe their instruments. Moreover, other individuals simply ignored the information. One man had ordered a barometer and received it in the mail the day before the hurricane hit the coast. When he opened it, he thought it was faulty or broken because the needle pointed below 29 where the dial read: “hurricanes and tornadoes.” He shook it vigorously several times trying to get it to work properly, but the needle would not budge. Disappointed, he wrote a letter to the retailer sharing his frustrations. The next morning he put the letter in the mail on his way inland to work. That evening when he returned home his house was no longer there; it had been swept away by the hurricane. The barometer had been correct, but he failed to listen.

VMC_ad_UC_all-locs_VoiceValley_9-14.inddOf all the communication in the world, nothing is more important than God’s communication to man. God communicates through His Word the Holy Bible. In it God shares how we can be forgiven of our sins and live with Him for eternity. It also details how to live with joy and victory with a life that pleases Him presently.

God is speaking, are you listening? In John 17:17 Jesus said, “Thy word is truth”. He wants you to know it so that you may know Him. Why not get out your Bible right now. If you do not have a one, come by this Sunday and I will be glad to give you one. Do not ignore God my friend, for it will not just be the house that washes away.

Would you like to know more? Call us at 425-432-0634: We would love to talk with you, pray for you and help you discover God’s truth and hope for life. Our web address is www.taylorcreekchurch.org, and our service times are 9 a.m. for Sunday school and 10:15 a.m. for worship. We are located at 21110 244th Ave S.E. Maple Valley.