Black Diamond Makes Difference in Citizens’ Lives

Editor, the VOICE:

I want to thank everyone who makes every day a “Make a Difference Day” in Black Diamond. Thanks to the Mountain View Fire Department (Black Diamond Station) and Jeff & Andre who take our blood pressures every Thursday at the Black Diamond Community Center before the Senior lunchtime. A special thanks to Andrew Irvine for providing me with an American flag and holder out of his own pocket, installing it, changing the batteries in the smoke detectors, and changing light bulbs in my house.

Thank you, Cheryl, Leslie, & Irene and volunteers at the Black Diamond Community Center for serving the Seniors on Tuesday and Thursday with great lunches and wonderful fun fellowship during and after the lunches.

Thank you, Becky Olness and her helpers for making snack bags for the Elementary School children. Thanks to Ron Olness who takes such fine pictures at events and shares them for all to enjoy.

Thanks, to the High Road Church for serving hot delicious meals every Wednesday night at the church.

I’m so grateful for these folks and others who make every day in Black Diamond a Make a Difference Day.

Cathy Dussert, Black Diamond