Do you know someone who’s REALLY Future Ready? Nominations are now being accepted for the Tahoma School Board’s Exemplary Performance Award in Future Ready Skills for juniors and seniors.
This award seeks to recognize students who have grown and developed their ability in a Future Ready Skill over time, as well as showcase their current achievement, and the importance of the skill in their life.
If you know a current junior or senior who you think demonstrates exemplary performance in one of the Future Ready Skills, nominate them by Jan. 11! Nominated students will be notified immediately and encouraged to fill out a student application, which asks them to submit and demonstrate evidence of their achievement or accomplishment in a particular skill by March 11. Applications will be evaluated and students will be notified in the spring. Students who receive an award will have documented their authentic application of and their exceptional ability in the skill while in high school.
Those selected to receive the award will be honored during their Senior Awards night at Tahoma High School; recognized at graduation through special honor cords; and will receive a digital badge which they may post on social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn, allowing them to share their achievement with family, friends, employers, and others, as well as build a positive digital reputation.
Students can be nominated by anyone in the school community or larger local community. To make a nomination, click here.