Boy Comes Forward to ‘Feed the 5,000’

The task at hand is to collect 5,000 cans of edible food. The purpose is to feed 450 local families. The inspiration for collecting food was a New Testament story where a small boy came forward carrying five loaves of barley and two fish. Jesus blessed the food and an entire large gathering was fed with that boy’s small donation.

At Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SVLC), the congregation was up to a similar challenge. In August, Pastor Andy Arnold suggested that they put the Bible story into action. He wondered aloud, “Let’s see what our loaves and fishes can do to fight hunger in our community.”  It was estimated that 5,000 cans of edibles would feed approximately 450 clients at Maple Valley Food Bank where the food will be delivered. Donations to “Feed the 5,000” are now piling up on three steps of bleachers in the church. In its first week, 813 cans were donated. That was followed by a total of 1,770 by the end of September. Pastor Andy then wondered aloud if the congregation could “up the ante,” donating sooner rather than later. He suggested they could double their effort to supply 5,000 containers of food by the end of October. 

Last Sunday, inspiration came rolling down the aisle at SVLC. It came in the form of a little boy pulling his red wagon toward the altar. Henry Friesen, who will be two years old in December, attends worship service regularly with his sister and their parents. Recent sermons and the biblical references have emphasized the importance of including children. Henry’s family took it to heart; then they took him grocery shopping.

Community residents who would like to contribute to “Feed the 5,000” can drop off cans at the church, Tuesday – Friday. SVLC is located at 23855 SE 216th St. in Maple Valley.