“Babe Ruth had hit 714 home runs during his baseball career and was playing one of his last full major league games. It was the Braves versus the Reds in Cincinnati. But the great Ruth was no longer as agile as he had once been. He fumbled the ball and threw badly, and in one inning alone his errors were responsible for most of the five runs scored by Cincinnati. 

As the Babe walked off the field after the third out and headed toward the dugout, a crescendo of yelling and booing reached his ears. Just then a boy jumped over the railing onto the playing field. With tears streaming down his face, he threw his arms around the legs of his hero.

Ruth didn’t hesitate for one second. He picked up the boy, hugged him, and set him down on his feet, patting his head gently, they left the field together.” – Engstron.

People are very fickle. One day they are your friend, and the next, they are your enemy.  All that Babe Ruth gave to the game of baseball was summed up for the fans by whether they won or lost, that is, except for one small boy who cared more about the man than the scoreboard. Sometimes it is out of the mouth of babes that we see the greatest examples of God’s love.  When others turned their back, this little boy turned a hug.  That’s the truth of our heavenly Father, Who is never fickle but always faithful.  When you think that you are all alone, the Bible tells us, “for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,” – Hebrews 13:5. This, of course, is speaking of those who are His by grace through faith – Ephesians 2:8-9.  

It is true that the Lord never promises He will take us out of every difficult situation. He promised we would never be alone while we go through them. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. Selah.”- Psalm 68:18.

Would you like to know more? We would love to speak with you. Call us at 425-432-0634, or contact us at We invite you to join us for Sunday service: 9:00 AM for Sunday School and 10:15 AM for Worship. Address: 21110 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley.