It was wonderful to be back in the grange hall on a Sunday morning last month, the aroma of coffee filling the air and a tray of tempting doughnuts (and healthful bowl of fruit) on the table. Even the building seemed happy. Did you make it down?
We thought not. Turnout was lighter than we had hoped. The grange board thinks there were a few reasons for this: As we have grown smaller in size, so also have we lost a number of regulars from our breakfast community. People are out of the habit. Doughnuts are not pancakes. Notice was too short. We understand.
So now, consider yourself notified! (The readerboard sign has been current for a while too.) We hope again to gauge current community interest in returning to our third-Sunday-of-the-month breakfast gathering, and in helping the Grange help our local community in this way.

Please join us Sunday, March 19th, from 9 – Noon. $5 for coffee and a doughnut/piece of fruit; $2 for additional item. As always, other hot beverages will be available (tea, hot chocolate) and still no charge for refills. Hope to see you there!