An Encouraging Word: Freedom in Forgiveness

Studies are showing forgiveness is not only good theology but also good medicine. Medical research shows that forgiving is good for our souls and our bodies.  

People who forgive: 

•  Benefit from better immune functioning and lower blood pressure. 

•  Have better mental health than people who do not forgive. 

•  Feel better physically. 

•  Experience less anger and fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

•  Maintain more satisfying and long-lasting relationships. 

“When we allow ourselves to feel like victims or sit around dreaming up how to retaliate against people who have hurt us, these thought patterns take a toll on our minds and bodies,” says Michael McCullough, director of research for the National Institute for Healthcare Research and a co-author of To Forgive Is Human: How to Put Your Past in the Past.  

Failure to forgive or be unwilling and ready to forgive puts us in bondage to someone else’s sin. When we become consumed with wanting to be justified and hold on to a grudge or hurt feelings, we need to ask ourselves, “Who is controlling who?” In many cases, the one who has offended you does not care or may not even know they have offended you, and you are holding on to what they are not.  

This is no way to live.  We should always be ready in our hearts to forgive.  Jesus made this clear to Peter when he asked: “ ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?’  Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’” – Matthew 18:21-22.   Even if our offender has not sought forgiveness, being ready in our hearts means we give it to the Lord who judges righteously.  “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19).If we fail too, we will be the ones who are most miserable.  We are, God’s Word says, to “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” – Colossians 3:13. Our own need for givenness before the Lord is a good place to start – John 3:16-18. Are you forgiven?  

Would you like to know more about forgiveness?  Contact us at 425-432-0634 or  We would love to talk to you about the hope we have in Christ.  You can also join us every Sunday at 9 AM for Sunday School and 10:15 AM for Worship. 21110 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley