Maple Valley History Preserved with Boat Racing

It was a good day on the river – 1997. Two boats destroyed. No injuries. 1st place Dan Petchnick & Dean Weyer in Screaming Eagle 11, 1 hr. 7 min. 30 sec.; 2nd place Bob Morris & Rob Krause in River Hawk, 1 hr. 10 min. 59 sec.; 3rd place Jim & Dan Soushek in Fore Inc., 1 hr. 17 min. 50 sec. Coming in 6th were Earl Soushek Jr. and Gary Soushek in Log Jam I that crashed at Petchnick log. Taking 7th place was Screaming Eagle VI that crashed above the chute. 

Now, in 2024, with tales to tell, jokes to make, and perhaps some finger-pointing, boat racers will be at the forefront of a celebration on Saturday. Aug. 10.  Maple Valley Community Center and Maple Valley Historical Society are co-hosting “Celebrate Them,” an event designed to give a thumbs-up to guys and gals with the tenacity to conquer the perils and quirks of Cedar River. 

The public is encouraged to “Celebrate Them”. The event is Saturday, Aug. 10 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center and at the Fire Engine Museum. It is an informal event where racers, racing enthusiasts, friends and family are encouraged to tell their stories while displaying their awards, ribbons and trophies. 

Rick Fardig and others are invited to share video of the races and newspapers with coverage of boat racing. Bulletin boards for photos will be set up, as well as rectangular tables in multiple sizes for displays.