On April 22, voters in the Enumclaw School District will have the opportunity to consider a proposed $12 million capital levy. After almost a full year of research and meetings, the Facilities Oversight for Capital Utilization and Sustainability (FOCUS) Committee (comprised of 21 volunteer community members) presented its findings and recommendations to address pressing facility needs to the Enumclaw School District Board of Directors. As a result of their recommendation for a capital levy to address critical maintenance and secure building access as soon as possible, the Board of Directors approved a resolution to place this measure on the ballot to address critical maintenance needs across the district.
If approved, this levy will provide $3 million per year over four years (2026–2029) to fund urgent facility repairs, student health and safety improvements, and critical infrastructure needs such as roof replacements, HVAC systems, fire panels, and electronic access controls. A complete list of the proposed projects, tax impact details, and additional information and resources are available on our district website.