On Saturday, April 27th from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. there will be an Open House at the Lake Wilderness Arboretum in Maple Valley. This free family event will feature a native plant scavenger hunt. Parents and their children, following a map that highlights several stops, can locate and learn about Washington’s native plants, and meet Fancy the crow, a hard-working wildlife advocate for Puget Sound Wildcare. Handouts will aid the discovery process during this Earth Month event. Native plant stewards, expert gardeners, and scouts will be on hand to answer questions about plants, the Arboretum and camping in the out-of-doors.
This event is open-ended – come and go as you please. Enjoy the fun and educational activities that interest you or simply stroll the Arboretum’s beautiful grounds. The Lake Wilderness Arboretum is located at 22520 SE 248th St. in Maple Valley. See www.lakewildernessarboretum.org for more information.