Black Diamond Community Center is Thankful for Donations

The Virus and Stay-at-Home policy certainly did affect our senior lunch program and our food bank clients.  Thanks to Catholic Community Services, the seniors continue to get wonderful meals every Tuesday and Thursday, either picked up or we deliver.  Many volunteers, including Judy Watson, Becky Olness, Sherri Pots, Vern Gibson, Caroline Whitlock, Ron Brentson, and many others, help make the lunch program successful.

Our food bank is staying full to help all who need food, gas vouchers, dairy vouchers, and other emergency assistance.

Johnson’s Home & Garden has contributed $2,500 for the food bank.  Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Lake Sawyer Church, Lake Sawyer Community Club, individual members of St. Barbara’s Parish, The Knights of Columbus, Eastern Star, Pythians, Ten Trails, and many more local community members have dropped off food and checks on a regular basis.

Thank you Black Diamond community.  Your senior center and food bank continues to serve others because of your contributions to us.