Gaffney’s Airport


Few locals still remember, but Maple Valley once boasted an airstrip adjacent to Gaffney’s Lake Wilderness Resort.  The private strip was north of the luxurious lodge as seen in this photo from the early 1950s.  The airstrip began operations around 1950 before closing in 1959 according to a park brochure by Lee Corbin.  The lodge was built in 1950 at a cost of $250,000 and boasted 12 overnight rooms, a dining room seating 140, and ground floor banquet facilities accommodating 400.  It was supplemented by 70 family-style cottages plus sprawling picnic grounds and facilities capable of serving up to 9,000 visitors.  The resort included boat & swim areas, a ballroom, skating rink, and later a 9-hole golf course.  

As state and county agencies began opening new parks and recreation facilities, all free to the public, private parks with admission fees such as Gaffney’s waned in popularity.  Gaffney’s Lake Wilderness Resort was purchased by King County in 1966.  The cabins were eventually removed, but the lodge was preserved and designated a landmark by King County in 1997.  In January 2003, the entire complex was deeded to Maple Valley when King County began divesting recreation facilities, such as parks, playfields, and pools when located within city limits.   However, deed restrictions required Maple to continue park operations and to preserve the surrounding open space properties.  Lake Wilderness continues to be the crown jewel of Maple Valley’s park operations and is the site of many festivals and gatherings