Time is something that easily slips away from us, before we know it, another day has passed and when we look again, an entire lifetime. I am amazed at how we take time for granted, always thinking there will be time for important events, such as time with family, getting to the doctor and most of all, knowing where we stand with the Lord and eternity. 

 C.S. Lewis in his work The Screwtape Letters writes “THERE IS A LEGEND about Satan and his imps planning their strategy for attacking the world that’s hearing the message of salvation. One of the demons says, “I’ve got the plan, master, when I get on the earth and take charge of people’s thinking, I’ll tell them there’s no heaven?”

The devil responds, “Ah, they’ll never believe that. This Book of Truth is full of messages about the hope of heaven through sins forgiven. They won’t believe that. They know there’s a glory yet future.”

On the other side of the room another says, “I’ve got the plan. I’ll tell ’em there’s no hell” 

“No good,” he says. “Jesus, while He was on earth, talked more of hell than of heaven. They know in their hearts that their wrong will have to be taken care of in some way. They deserve nothing more than hell.” And one brilliant little imp in the back stood up and said, “Then I know the answer. I’ll just tell them there’s no hurry.” And he’s the one Satan chose.” 

Although C.S. Lewis wrote fictitiously concerning Satan, he does not concerning the Bible, and his point is well taken. The Bible tells us that we are to be “making the most of our time, because the days are evil…” Ephesians 5:16-17.  No one denies that there is evil in the world.  What is denied is that we are so sinful that God will condemn us. God’s word I clear,For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,” Romans 1:18   

 If we think that we will be good enough to stand before God, we are sadly mistaken. Only the righteous will stand, and the only way we can become righteous, is in Jesus. God’s word says that Jesus took upon himself our sin on the cross as if He sinned, paying a debt that we could not, that we by faith could be declared righteous on His merit – 2 Corinthians 5:21.  Only those who have the righteousness of Christ will be able to stand on the day of judgement.  The time will come, will you be ready? Hebrews 9:27. 

Would you like to know more?  Contact us at 425-432-0634 or  We would love to talk to you about the hope we have in Christ. Join us every Sunday at 9 AM for Sunday School and 10:15 AM for Worship. 21110 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley.