The Tahoma School Board on Tuesday recognized Tahoma High School’s AP Scholars for 2018. The award is given by the College Board to students who have taken at least three AP exams and have earned a passing (or higher) average score.
The recognition was presented to 91 students, all of whom earned the award in their sophomore or junior year, and several of whom won an award for the second year in a row.
Charisse Braun, Tahoma’s AP Coordinator, said she thinks the number of AP Scholars will only continue to grow.
“Eighty percent of our AP Scholars this year took AP Human Geography, and we saw a 30 percent increase in enrollment in that course last year,” Braun said. “Most of those students have gone on to take another AP humanities course in 2018-19. It’s been really exciting to see more students take on this challenge and succeed.”
The AP Scholar Award for 2018 was granted to 38 Tahoma High School students who received scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
Those students (not in order pictured) are: Ethan Bailey, Elizaveta Bell, Bret Berry, Dane Bowman-Weston, Alyssa Burkhead, Emily DeBolt, Rylan Ellis, Djanaya Esiong, Andrew Fleming, Abagail Goodell, Benjamin Hansen, Mathew Harr, Artur Hrabar, Megan Johnson, Faith Jordan, Lily Kindgren, Rachel Kovacs, Madeleine Magana, Jessica Meyer, Katie Moulton, Sierra Muehlbauer, Laura Myers, Quintin Nguyen, Kaitlyn Opland, Emma Parnello, Madison Quinn, Joseph Ribera, Supreet Sandhu, Zackary Schorn, Garrett Stern, Ian Strand, Karen Sullivan, Rohit Tripathy, Amy Velasco, Janae Wade, Jack Wagner, Connor Webb, Anika Wilson.
The AP Scholar with Honor award was granted to 22 THS students, each of whom received an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

Those students are (not in order pictured): Leah Billings, Shaun Brazelton, Elizabeth Burt, Kaylon Clements, Matthew Culp, Catherine Dennis, Elizabeth Diaz, Austin Freeman, Sophia Heinz, Makenna Kilgallon, Erin Kim, Cameran Larsen, Loranne Lecato, Anna Lewis, Emma Nickel, Madeline Nielsen, Emiri Nishizawa, Andrew Oliver, Christina Ring, Mallika Sansgiri, Eli Smith, Joel Verkruyse.
The AP Scholar with Distinction award was granted to 25 THS students, each of whom received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

Those students are (not in order pictured): Shane Beres, Avery Black, Jeremiah Briere, Jacob Burianek, Aidan Callen, Victoria Chung, Emily Clark, Melinda Day, Justin Freeman, Lydia Howell, Isaac Jensen, Natalie Nordell, Kallen Paterson, Nolan Peters, Skyler Preedy, Jacen Rees, Eric Rogers, Nathan Schill, Kacie Soiseth, Marynne Strobel, Madeline Teddy, Joshua Unruh, Adam Wengreen, Cameron Werner, Jonathan Zosel.
The National AP Scholar award was granted to six THS students, each of whom earned an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.

Those students are (not in order pictured): Hitesh Boinpally, Mahek Buddhdeo, William Chadek, Gabriel Kilwein, Estelle Neathery, Laena Tieng.