THS Multi-Class Picnic Set for Mud Mountain

Tahoma High School’s Multi-Class Picnic will be held on SATURDAY, July 27 at Mud Mountain Dam Park. Those who have contact with classmates from Tahoma are encouraged to share the details and an invitation to join. The park is six miles east of Enumclaw at 30525 SE Mud Mountain Rd, Enumclaw.

Picnic hours are noon to 5:00 p.m.  Food will be served about 12:30. This event is focused on the classes of pre-1960. However, 1960-1974 and others are welcome. Approximately 140 attended the 2023 event. The following ten changes could make this picnic a better experience than in the past: 

1. The picnic is on a Saturday.

2. There is a streamlined registration process. Those who previously signed in need only to check their information for accuracy. New attendees can fill in their details. Name tags are provided.

3. As seating is limited, it is suggested that attendees bring chairs.

4. Thanks to generous donations, a tentative menu of croissant sandwiches, salads, chips, fruit, cheese and crackers, brownies, water and sodas are provided. (The menu may change somewhat as the date gets closer.)  Potluck dishes are welcome. There will be an iced area for dishes that need to stay cold. 

5. Donations in 2024 will fund the 2025 picnic.  

6. Play Tahoma Trivia!  Last year’s questions-and-answers will be posted as well as the questions for 2024. Challenge your classmates to see if you remember some of your high school details.

7. A few games will be available so getting a team together would be helpful. 

8. Class displays are encouraged; it is best to provide tables for set up.

9. Maple Valley Historical Society will be distributing name tags, collecting alumni information and accepting memberships. They will be sharing information on their organization and their upcoming events: On Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024, 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., MVHS and Maple Valley Community Center are commemorating Cedar River boat racers.  

10. Park hours are 9 am -7:45 pm. Pets are allowed but must be on a leash. Music, microphones, and alcohol are not allowed due to park restrictions. Responsible decision-making is required so that the picnic can continue to be held at the park.