“Two years before his death, Mike Hanzas, who lived alone, began to make preparations for his demise. He bought a lot in the cemetery. Weekly, he visited the site where his mortal remains would be interred. He planted grass there and mowed it regularly. On Memorial Day, he placed flowers on the grave site, for he said, “I want to see flowers there now. I won’t be able to see them when I’m gone!”

A while later, Mike went into a funeral home. “I want to buy the casket, which will be my new home,” he said. Whenever he passed the funeral home, he would go in. Standing beside the casket, he would say, “That’s where I’m going to live someday!”

One day, Mike invited a nephew and the rest of his family to visit him. After a hearty meal, Mike began to dispense some canned goods and personal effects among his visitors. Then he handed his nephew his will. As he did this, he dropped dead of heart failure! 

So far as we know, Mike Hanzas had made every provision for his body but none for his soul.” 

It’s funny that we are good planners for everything else, but when it comes to thinking about eternity, we don’t plan at all, or we make plans that are not very reassuring.  Most people just don’t want to think about it, especially those who are under the age of fifty.  The unfortunate reality is that most people research the future purchase of their next automobile or electronic gadget with more scrutiny and intensity than any thought concerning their own eternal soul.  

A word of wisdom: finding the nicest casket and burial plot does nothing for the soul.  It may give peace to your family in not having to deal with those physical details, but it will do nothing for you.  

If you take this article seriously and begin to research how you can be sure of heaven, know that there is only one way. It is what God did in sending the son, Jesus Christ, who paid for our sins. All other perceived ways fall into the category of man believing that by his good works, he will merit heaven. God’s Word says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12. I challenge you to open the Bible, look at it thoroughly, scrutinize it, compare it with all other religious writings and you will find that it stands alone as the Word of God.  In it, you will find that Christ is the only way, the truth and life, the only way of salvation and peace with God – John 14:6. 

So then, if you’re making plans for the future, don’t miss the most important one, where you will spend eternity.  Don’t you think that of all the plans you make in life, this is the most important?    

Would you like to know more about making plans?  Contact us at 425-432-0634 or  We would love to talk to you about the hope we can have in Christ.  You can also join us every Sunday at 9 AM for Sunday School and 10:15 AM for Worship. 21110 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley.