Times are constantly changing, and things seem to become more unstable with every day that passes. We are always in hope that the days ahead will be better than the days past, but we know, because our world is unstable, there are no promises.
Indeed, our lives, and everything around us can be drastically changed overnight. The economy goes up and down, our jobs are here today and gone tomorrow, tragedies come and go, and things are never the same. Sounds depressing doesn’t it? Well it is if these are the things in which we place our only hope.
The fact is there is more than just hope, there is a promise of surety and stability even when everything else becomes unstable. How can we have this promise? I think you already know the answer but let me remind you. This stability is found in the one who is ever stable and never changes. One whom the Bible says is the “same yesterday and today and forever.”- Hebrews 13:8. The One who says to all who trust in Him:“I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU.” – Hebrews 13:5. This person is Jesus.
This does not mean that the waves of the world will not continue to crash in, but it makes all the difference in where we are standing – on the Rock who is Jesus, or on the things that are always shifting. The times we live will always be difficult, but those who are in Christ can take comfort for Jesus says: “I am with you always,” – Matthew 28:19. The question is, “Are you with Him?”
Would you like to know more? Call us at 425-432-0634, or contact us at www.taylorcreekchurch.org. We invite you to join us every Sunday, 9 AM for Sunday School, and 10:15 AM for Worship. We are located at: 21110 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley.