New Limits on Gatherings – Coronavirus Update

Dear Community Partners,

Under an order from Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin, Public Health – Seattle & King County now prohibits large gatherings of more than 250 people. In addition, public events with fewer than 250 attendees are prohibited, unless event organizers can take steps to minimize risk. The steps listed below include some concrete things for you to think through to support your decision-making.

Event organizers must ensure that:

•Older and vulnerable individuals have been encouraged not to attend 

This includes staff, volunteers, and people you serve – will this impact ability to offer services?

What is your communication plan and how will it reach people whose first language is not English?

•Recommendations for social distancing and limiting close contact are met 

Can people be a full arm’s-length apart (6 feet is ideal)?

Do you have verbal and written messages about not having interpersonal contact such as hugs and handshakes?

•Employees or volunteers leading an event are screened for symptoms each day 

Do you have a process to ensure each person is screened daily prior to arrival?

•Proper hand washing, sanitation, and cleaning is readily available 

•Do you have enough handwashing stations and cleaning supplies?

How are people getting verbal and written instructions about when and how to wash hands?

•Environmental cleaning guidelines are followed (e.g., clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily or more frequently) 

Is there a schedule to ensure high-touch surfaces are adequately cleaned?

We are working on more specific guidance, especially for faith-based organizations with less than 250 people. As we do so, your specific questions and concerns are helpful in making those guidelines actionable.

•More info on the new order:

•Our most up-to-date information:

Please continue to reach out. We want to know how this is impacting your organization and community. If you provide community services and have not done so already, please fill out the following survey so we have an accurate assessment of your needs as things progress: