In 1881 a storm off the coast of North England kept all the fishing boats and their crews in the harbor for weeks. One morning the sun shone out in a clear blue sky; it seemed as if the storm had passed away, and the boats started out for the fishing ground. Forty-one boats left the harbor that day.
Before they started, the harbor master hoisted the storm signal, and warned them of the coming tempest. He begged of them not to go; but they disregarded his warning, and away they went. They saw no sign of the coming storm. In a few hours, however, it swept down on that coast. There were five or six men in each boat, and nearly all were lost in that dreadful gale.
As human beings, we ignore far too many warning signs. We ignore the warning signs our bodies give us when our health is failing, we ignore the warning signs concerning financial trouble, we ignore the warning signs of family problems. Out of all the warnings we ignore, there is one that seems to be ignored more than any other. It is the warning God gives to us concerning our need for forgiveness and salvation.
Unfortunately, just like in the days of Noah, many mock at God’s warning and ridicule those who heed it. The Bible tells us that in the days of Noah, “People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.” – Luke 17:27. God had warned them amply through Noah, but they did not listen, and when the door of the ark was closed it was too late. They ignored the warnings just as the men who sailed out to sea that day in Northern England and were ushered into eternity. To them it looked like a clear and safe day. The harbor master could read the forecast and pleaded with them, but they did not listen to the master.
How about you, are you listening to the Master, or are you ignoring the warnings? Listen to this warning in the gospel of John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Would you like to know more? Call us at 425-432-0634: We would love to talk with you, pray for you and help you discover God’s truth and hope for life. Find out more at
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