They came, They sang. They gave.
They were attending the church’s first ever “Parking Lot Picnic and Noisy Change Offering.” Like other congregations, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SVLC) has sought alternative ways to gather together since last March, to meet in compliance with Covid 19 restrictions. The church’s large parking area and nature’s weather in August accommodated a bring-your-own picnic. It included a child-oriented sing-along, a Children’s Chat, and a unique way of collecting donations for charity.

On a calendar month that has five Sundays, the 5th Sunday is designated for a “noisy change offering” at SVLC. Families empty their pockets and penny banks of change into an offering container that facilitates noise. The offering is marked as a contribution for charity. This year, in August, the noisy change was destined for Vine Maple Place and its back-to-school backpack program. Vine Maple Place provides housing for women with children who are without a residence.

For the parking lot picnic, traffic cones were placed at every other parking space to assure social distancing. Each alternate space was for picnicking at one’s vehicle. Music and communication by microphone was piped in on car radios tuned to Channel 101.9. Traditional children’s songs and audience requests were accompanied by Pastor Andy Arnold on guitar and directed by children using sign language. Lyrics from “One in the Spirit” were especially significant given today’s worldwide turmoil with race relations and coronavirus pandemic:
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride . . .
Shepherd of the Valley, located on SE 216th Street in Maple Valley, also holds worship services
that are live streamed on YouTube; an 11:00 am Wednesday online Bible Study; a 9:00 pm Late Night Online Happy Hour; and a parking lot Holden Evening Prayer with an Ice Cream Social where you bring your own treats.