Black Diamond Memorabilia Outstanding

Tommy Ash and Erica Dinius moved into Diamond Village in Black Diamond in 2021. They were curious about the town’s mining history. Tommy had noticed a coal car visible on their neighbor’s upstairs window ledge. Shopping around town, he found coal cars for sale at Black Bear Outpost. Later, while the couple attended a musical show at Sahara Pizza, Erica was able to successfully answer a quiz question based upon National Day Calendar, “What is today?” She knew from experience that the answer was “National Kissing Day.” Her response won laughs from the audience as well as winning a history book, “Black Diamond: Mining the Memories”. As it turned out, their neighbor, Steve Israel, creates the coal cars that Tommy saw on the window ledge. Steve was also the singer at the three-part show they attended, “Black Diamond and How It Came To Be”. The presentation is a compilation of Steve’s original songs, a narration, and a slideshow that all describe life in Black Diamond ‘back in the day’. 

Performances Scheduled

The performance, “Black Diamond and How It Came To Be,” is sponsored by Black Diamond Historical Society. Scheduled for the next three months are Thursdays, Aug. 24, Sept. 21, and Oct. 26, 6:00 pm at Sahara Pizza; Saturday, Sept. 2, 8:00 (sunset) at Ten Trails. All performances are open to the public and are free.