The Cedar River Grange would like to thank the Maple Valley community for its continued support of our third Sunday monthly breakfast gathering, which in turn allows us to support local groups in need of meeting space; we especially appreciate the help Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church and the Voice of the Valley have provided.
We are often asked two questions: when we are going to bring back the pancake breakfast, and why did we switch to doughnuts? The answer to the first question is simple: Not until we have a regular contingent of volunteers committed to helping cook and serve breakfast; at the moment, we simply do not have the people power to pull it off. Why the switch to doughnuts? Well, that idea was the brainchild of Bill Beck, pictured here with friend Sunny and sister Heidi. While sitting around chatting with Bill one post-Covid afternoon, I mentioned the Grange’s dilemma: How could we resume providing a community gathering place, and raise money to help pay the bills, when there were no longer enough Grange members to have the pancake breakfast? It might have been recalling my early job history at Winchell’s Donut House, or logically sorting through data with his physicist’s mind, but Bill suddenly asked: “Why not coffee and doughnuts?” I said, “What?” Bill repeated, “Why not coffee and doughnuts instead? Popular, practical, easy-to-serve.” And I said, “Why NOT coffee and doughnuts?!” Although it took a few meetings to convince other members, we had the first doughnut gathering this past February, and they have been slowly gaining in popularity ever since. Will the Grange ever offer the pancake breakfast again? That remains to be seen. But, we will continue to provide a (third) Sunday morning meeting place as long as there is community support for it. Moreover, we are always open to ideas and suggestions for improvement. For example, as of July, we added bagels and cream cheese to our menu offering: along with the doughnuts, and juice, coffee, and fruit, it is practically a continental breakfast!
Please join us on Sunday, August 20th between 9 – Noon for our next gathering. For $5 per person, it is a great deal. In the mean time, thank you Bill and thank you Maple Valley!