Lions Club Looks for New Home to Meet Locally and Serve Others

The worlds’ largest volunteer service organization, Lions Club, is looking for a home in Black Diamond. Bob Johnson, the club’s extension chairperson, headed out into the BD community this past week looking to assess the city’s health and amenities. 

      Everything about Lions Club is service oriented – identifying community needs and what role a new Lions Club could play in providing programs and services. His three-page questionnaire asked residents to identify strengths and weakness that, if addressed, would empower Black Diamond. The questions included: What programs and services do you think are needed in the community both presently and in the future? What are the strengths of the community? What are the unique characteristics of the community? Do you feel that residents are aware of the programs and services that take place in the community?

Lions Club held its first informational meeting on October 3 at Black Diamond Library. They will be disseminating their follow-up information in Voice of the Valley. Currently the closest Lions Clubs are in Auburn and Renton. Those who wish to join Lions Club or to learn more about the new club in Black Diamond can contact